Consulting Services

Welcome to Tully's Consultancy! I am passionate about creating a fair and sustainable world for everyone. My approach is all about simplicity, trust, and integrity.

My drivers ensure that I provide quality service and meet your needs. Let's make a difference together!

Business Consulting

Align business values & needs to circular methods, this includes:

  • Policy writing

  • CSRD/ESG compliance

  • Sustainable KPIs

  • Needs/Gap Assessments

  • Circularity/3P Training 

Research and Analysis

Conduct Research and Analysis at all stages of projects including:

  • Evidence Mapping

  • Literature Reviews

  • Data Harvesting

  • Topics around GESI and Circularity

Climate & Empowerment-Focused Evaluations

Oversee initial, mid-line and end-line evaluations focused on climate and economic empowerment including:

  • KIIs

  • Data harvesting and analysing

  • Sense-making

  • Report writing

The Connector and Enabling Advisor